May the peace of the sleeping stones be upon you, may the…
Category: Saturday Morning Musing
Remember You are Love, and to Love You Shall Return
When we are born, we are loved by others. We embody this…
Ocean waters sing lullabies for restless souls.
We are Light
We are Light, Poetry. Song. Together radiating Love. And alone, struggling in…
A Thought for the Day – A Pilgrim’s Journey
“Walk slow. Don’t rush. The place you have to reach is yourself.”…
eko haiku – 3/10/22
Presentations Available:
Readings and Reflections from the Spiritual Memoir “my walk with grief”* This…
A Reading: My Walk with Grief
What was your experience at the end of the funeral of a…
Hope: Reading the Rhythms of Readiness
Memoir: My Walk with Grief
ttps:// My Walk With Grief is a spiritual memoir about my 10-year…