Sheltering-in-Place: A View from my Window

Blue sky and shining sun,
          announce peace,
          into the invisible chaos and fog of unknowns,
          inviting me to come outside,
          breathe, reach wide into the world.
Sparrows, blackbirds, robins, and the red-feathered friends
          gather at the bird feeder,
          not waiting in turn,
          but gorging happily pushing others away,
          chaotic, yet nurturing life.
A neighbor, widowed years ago
          packs a single bike into the back of his car,
          leaving for another place,
          away from the kitchen or bedroom,
          but still alone, calming chaos of grief.
A three-foot-wide walk awaits
            a single path for the treading of feet,
            not wide enough for the passing of souls six feet apart,
            but enough breadth for pairs of committed souls,
           walking together through the silent chaos.
Inside this glass imprisoned view, I gaze alone,
           discontented, brooding,
            feeding a frenzy of fear,
            growing internal chaos beyond bounds of recovery.
I watch, eager to grab someone’s hand
            to walk and
            move outside,
           together seeing beyond the chaos,
           instead of staring through it alone.