Week 4. Day 5 – Trusting Means “Jump”

One Faith. In all, above all, through all.

For God alone my soul waits in silence,
For my hope is from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation
My fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my deliverance and my honor;
My might rock, my refuge is in God.
Trust in him at all times. O people;
Pour out your hear before him
God is a refuge for us.
                                                                    Psalm 62: 5-8

Ellen stands on a three-foot square platform near the top of a tall pine tree looking down a zip line running parallel to the side of the mountain.  Waiting with eager anticipation 100 yards down the hill her classmates, hold out their arms and shout, “You’ve got this girl. Jump.”

Ellen stands frozen on the ledge, feeling dizzy. She wants to escape and stand on solid ground without having to jump from this spot. Her mind reminds her that she is perfectly safe strapped into a double body harness hooked onto the zip line and wearing a hard helmet.  Yet, she breaks into a cold sweat her heart pounding with fear.

Her guide, Joel stands at her side explaining the process with a smile and more confidence than Ellen knows herself. “Breathe.” He says calmly. “Just breathe. Remember the harness keeps you safe.  Hold onto the bar.  Open your eyes and enjoy the view.  And jump. Just jump.” 

Breathing out the air she was holding, Ellen looks into Joel’s eyes.  Some place of care within them gives her permission to trust, to believe, to have faith in the process.  She knows she trusts him, the harness, the helmet and her friends who have already completed ride.  Now, she knows trusting means she has to jump. She has to let go.

“OK.”  She yells.  “Let’s do this.”  And with a jump and a loud scream, Ellen joins her friends laughing with her at the bottom of the ride.


              Breathing in:  God’s faithfulness…

              Breathing out:…abides in love.

Reflection:   Trusting expects that we let go of control and “jump”.  However, we must also be wise about the risks.   When have you let go and found an amazing journey ahead of you?

(Lenten Reflection for Monday, April 1, 2019. This is written for the Daily Online Devotion of the Southeast Iowa Synod of the evangelical Lutheran Church in America.)
